Tooth erosion

Tooth erosion is the wearing away or damage to the outermost layer of the teeth, the enamel that protects our teeth. If the tooth enamel is weakened, the underlying dentin layer can be exposed, resulting in yellow-looking teeth and/or worn-down, odd-shaped teeth. While tooth erosion is different from tooth decay, the more common condition that results from oral bacteria, it’s still problematic.

What causes tooth erosion?
Tooth erosion is progressive and non-reversible since enamel, which is a mineral, does not grow back. The situation can cause you to feel sensitivity when drinking hot or cold beverages. Additionally, your front teeth may develop an almost transparent appearance.

The following issues can also affect tooth erosion:

Stomach acid
Repeated battles with stomach upsets can weaken the natural enamel on your teeth. Dentists can often recognize reflux and GERD sufferers from this tooth erosion.

Grinding your teeth
Grinding or gnashing your teeth, known as bruxism, can wear down enamel. Night guards (also known as mouth guards) can be custom-made by your dental professional to help protect your teeth.

Acid and sugar consumption
Sugary snacks, especially those that stick to the teeth, can damage enamel. Starchy snacks like potato chips or crackers also turn to acid. Minimizing consumption of carbonated beverages, a major culprit, can help. Other liquids that can wear away tooth enamel are sports drinks, citrus juices, and beer. Drinking from a straw helps minimize damage. Drinking calcium-rich milk can help neutralize the acid, and chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol can produce saliva to counteract the acid exposure.

Oral hygiene
While we always encourage brushing after a meal, timing is significant. It’s better to wait an hour or so after eating acidic foods. By doing so, you allow the natural saliva in your mouth to help wash away the acid. Our dental hygienist will be happy to show you proper brushing and flossing techniques.

How can you help protect your teeth?
Saliva is one of our most powerful, natural ways of protecting the teeth. Since reduced saliva flow (dry mouth) can lead to tooth erosion, simply staying hydrated with water at all times can help.
Dental maintenance
What we eat and drink, how we live, and how we sleep are all factors that can affect our teeth. No one should live with uncomfortable tooth sensitivity or even pain from tooth erosion.

Talk to Dr. Scott J. Pettinato of Scranton, PA at (570)558-9900 or contact us online for more tips on protecting your tooth enamel to keep you smiling for a lifetime.

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